Thursday, February 4, 2021

What Is UV Water Purifier Part - 1

What is a UV Water Purifier and How Does It Work

A UV water purifier treats micro-biologically unsafe water with germicidal ultraviolet light. The UV wavelength scrambles the DNA of living organisms in the water, so they can no longer reproduce and make you sick. If you drink bacteria-infested water, the organisms can embed in your digestive tract and replicate. Ultraviolet radiation renders bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi unable to replicate by damaging the nucleic acids of their DNA.

How a UV water purifier works

A UV water purifier exposes living organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, or cysts (like Cryptosporidium and Giardia) to a germicidal ultraviolet wavelength. With enough energy, UV radiation at the 254-nm wavelength disrupts the DNA in pathogenic microorganisms so they cannot reproduce. The ultraviolet light prevents bacteria from spreading disease through drinking water.

UV dosage is the measurement of energy (in mJ/cm²) delivered by a UV water purifier. The more dosage provided, the more energy delivered to treat contaminated water. At a certain threshold, this energy becomes sufficient enough to inactivate most of the microorganisms present in water.

Yazh Pure Life

RO Water Purifier Sales and Service.



We Sincere thanks to Fresh water Systems.

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